We have been praying for Jaclyn for quite some time. I had the wonderful opportunity to sit and chat with her this morning and I an so grateful for the conversation. Shortly after Jaclyn left my office she received a phone call from her oncologist and she learned the difficult news that her cancer has spread to the bone and she has been diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. This is not curable… at least from the perspective of things on this side of God’s kingdom.  While we cant begin to understand or comprehend why things happen as they do; here is what we do know: God’s love isn’t limited or restricted. And while he isn’t the cause of the bad stuff, he is the solution. There is nothing that can separate Jaclyn from his love. Nothing! Not even a difficult diagnosis. Our God will continue to hold her and strengthen her in the ways that only he can. God will continue to provide peace for her, unlike the world could ever give. God will continue to provide blessings for her with each new day. God will continue to giver her life. Life now and forever.   We are Easter People and we are never without hope! Not Never.

With treatments and all that goes along with this type of illness, Jaclyn and her family will experience some financial challenges along with everything else. A friend of Jaclyn has started a “Go Fund Me” Page if you feel so inclined to help that way. I’ve shared the link. The church will be considering ways we can assist. 

More than anything though, please hold Jaclyn, Jeremy, Charlotte, Donna and JR McNett and the rest of the family in your prayers. 



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