The Mission Statement of St. John’s

The Mission of St. John’s is grounded in the presence of Christ in God’s Word and in the Sacraments. We are called by the Holy Spirit to spread the Kingdom of God through ministering to all our members and sharing the love of Christ by preaching the true Word of God, providing ongoing Biblical education for spiritual growth, and reaching others with God’s love in all we say and do.

The Core Values of St. John’s


We believe that our mission and our message are grounded in God’s Word and His Sacraments. As Lutherans they are central to all we say and do. They provide consistency in our message and stability amidst changes both within our congregation and around us.

A Faith Community

We believe our choice to be a part of God’s church is a priority in our lives. Our community of faith is brought together by the Holy Spirit where we gather for worship, provide support when any among us are hurting, enjoy times of fellowship, and provide opportunity for service to those outside our boundaries.

Faith in Action

We believe faith is not just a Sunday commitment but is lived out in our lives everyday. God has called us to reach beyond ourselves to share our faith, help others in need and assure everyone we touch that they have worth in God’ sight.

Christian Education

We believe Christian Education for all ages is essential to understand the message of the Bible and equip us to share the message with others.


We incorporate music through a variety of settings within a Lutheran tradition to help proclaim the Gospel and celebrate God’s place in our lives.

Family Ministry

We believe that evangelism begins in the family. Parents are the primary faith mentors for their children and all of the generations of the congregation have a role in helping parents lead their children to be disciples.

Spiritual Health

We believe that each person’s spiritual health is critical for the growth of the congregation. Such nurturing occurs through Bible Study, prayer, times of reflection, Holy Communion… times of seeking God’s presence.

History and Tradition

We value our church building, our history, our traditions and people. We therefore treat all of them with respect.

Our Ultimate Purpose

We believe that all we do and say is preparation to claim the promise of Christ’s cross and resurrection – A place with Him in heaven!

The Vision of St. John’s

We have a vision of St. John’s where…

We seek innovative ways to carry out our mission while remaining grounded in our core values

All people feel welcomed, valued and loved

Parents will become equipped as faith mentors to their children with the support and encouragement of the whole community

Faith is strengthened and people are spiritually uplifted

We joyfully share the Gospel everyday with people outside the church who don’t know Jesus as their Savior.

We strive to model Christ in responding to every situation and circumstance of physical, emotional or spiritual need.